Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a taught, self help method which helps you find freedom and poise in your life and relief from chronic back and neck pain

Have you ever caught sight of yourself in a mirror or shop window and thought, “Oh no, I’m slumping again”, and forced yourself back to what you think is an upright posture?

Erica Donnison of The Posture Clinic working with an Alexander Technique client

Improving your posture is not a matter of making yourself stand or sit up straight, and you don’t need to do exercises to get better posture. Good posture is all about how you use your body so that you use the right muscles for the right job, at the right intensity, no more no less, resulting in ease of movement and natural poise. What we are actually improving is our postural tone!

Many of us find ourselves sitting for long periods at work or at home, and then notice we have back pain, or pain and discomfort in our shoulders or neck. Learning how to be aware of how you are sitting, standing or moving enables you to make changes and prevent these pains from happening. When learning the Alexander Technique you learn to be aware of how you are doing what you are doing, and to pause before reacting so that you can be in control of how you function rather than reacting and behaving habitually.

The resulting improved postural tone is an added bonus!

Alexander Technique lifting method during group workshop by the Posture Clinic
Demonstrating how to apply your Alexander Technique learning to lifting

Learning the Alexander Technique helps you feel more in control and more at ease in your mind and body.

Alexander Technique group session with The Posture Clinic
Lying in semi-supine as part of a group Alexander Technique workshop with The Posture Clinic

I teach Alexander Technique lessons with individuals and groups in Cumbria and Lancashire to help you find ease and poise in all you do

Book a lesson on 07771 602665 or email


1 to 1 Alexander Technique lesson at Kendal Physio Centre, Kendal, Cumbria – £45

1 to 1 Alexander Technique lesson at your home in South Cumbria – £50

1 to 1 Alexander Technique lesson at your home in Lancashire – £55

1 to 1 lessons at Kintaline Farm, Benderloch, Argyll – £40

1 to 1 online Alexander Technique lesson via Zoom or FaceTime in your own home – £30

Alexander Technique Workshops in Cumbria, Lancashire, North Yorkshire, Durham and the Scottish Borders
A full day between £60 – £75 per person depending on the location
A half day between £35 – £40 per person depending on the location

One-to-one lessons last an hour, day workshops generally run from 10am to 4pm