What’s on

Events, courses and places where I am working in the near future


Kendal Physio and Wellbeing Centre, 80, Kirkland Court, Kendal

I work at the Kendal Physio Centre on Saturdays offering one-to-one Alexander Technique lessons. £45 per lesson

Jigsaw at Mawdesley, Nr Ormskirk, Lancashire – The Mawdesley Equine and People’s Trust (MEPT)

Outdoor Alexander Technique lessons, Tellington TTouch sessions and Pose Running.

I work in the Lancashire area on various days of the week (except Saturdays!)

I regularly visit Jigsaw (Mawdesley Equine and People Trust), Off Hall Lane, Mawdesley, Ormskirk, Lancs. The volunteers and staff have really taken to Tellington TTouch Training and use it with the horses at the Centre.

Alexander Technique lesson (55 minutes) £55
Tellington TTouch Training for horses individual session (roughly 90 minutes) £75

Tellington TTouch Training for Horses mini workshops at Jigsaw, Mawdesley, Lancashire L40 2QY

An Introduction to TTouch bodywork – 2 hours

An Introduction to TTouch groundwork – 2 hours

£40 per person per workshop (includes tea/coffee/biscuits/cake)

Pose Running package – two sessions, the first includes videoing and analysis of running style, the second is a check on progress and takes things further. £120

Contact me to book a session on goodposture@me.com or phone 07771 602665


Kintaline Farm, Benderloch, near Oban, Argyll.

I offer individual Alexander Technique lessons, Pose Running sessions, Tellington TTouch Training for Horses sessions, and MBTI feedback. I can also run workshops in the Oban area in TTouch, Alexander Technique for horse riders, and Alexander Technique and Pose Running for runners.

Workshops and individual sessions for Alexander Technique, MBTI, Pose Running and Tellington TTouch can be booked direct with me on 07771 602665 or email goodposture@me.com or via Jill Bowis at Kintaline Farm on 01631 720223 email jill@kintaline.co.uk

Alexander Technique lesson (50 minutes) £40
Tellington TTouch Training for horses session (roughly 90 minutes) £60
Pose Running first session including videoing (2 hours) £60
MBTI feedback session (feedback 1hr 15mins, plus time beforehand to fill in and score questionnaire) £75


Available workshops – contact me to find out more and to set up a workshop and discuss a venue

Tellington TTouch Training workshops at your yard – half or full day

Alexander Technique for horse riders at your yard – half or full day

contact me on goodposture@me.com


Workshops for people and horses at the High House Centre, Staveley, Cumbria

Course information to be updated as plans come to fruition…

In 2017 I ran workshops over a full weekend, giving time to immerse yourself in the exploration in a wonderful location. This gave participants an opportunity to learn how to look after themselves whilst being alongside the beautiful Seren Arabians at the High House Centre.

Flexibility, Confidence and Coordination for you and your horse
Introduction to Tellington TTouch Training for you and your Horse and the Alexander Technique for you

Cost: £180 for each weekend course

Cost includes all tuition, refreshments (bring your own lunch), working with the wonderful Seren Arabian horses, and, weather permitting, the most fabulous views of the Cumbrian Lake District! Email support after the event to help you apply what you have learned to your own horses is also included.

There is always plenty of time during each day to discuss how to transfer your learning to your daily life and your horses.

Contact me to discuss possibilities goodposture@me.com

Running sessions for individuals and groups in Kendal, Cumbria

These running sessions are designed to be a series, but please feel free to pick and choose those that interest you to create a bespoke package for your group. Each session is designed to help you to take a closer look at your running, use less effort and enjoy it more.
No more than 6 people per group. Cost £80 for each session (divided between attendees).
Each session lasts about an hour and a half. Dates and times arranged to suit your group.
The techniques taught comprise a blend of Pose Running, Alexander Technique and the Sport England Leadership in Running Fitness qualification.

Video analysis of your running.
You will be videoed running and then receive expert analysis of your running style.

Running cadence and breathing.

Techniques for running up hill and down

Sprinting and changing speed made easy

Contact me on goodposture@me.com to organise a session or series of sessions

Running is fun! (workshop in Kendal, Cumbria)

Half-day (3 hour) workshop for women who want to learn to run for basic fitness.

Come and discover that running can be fun in an informal, small group workshop. I will show you how to run so that you can…

• avoid injuries and exhaustion

• improve your basic aerobic fitness gradually and safely

• enjoy the process and have fun along the way!

£40 per person including refreshments and personal video footage

Contact me on goodposture@me.com to set up a session for your group


Improve your running with a blend of Pose running and the Alexander Technique, Kendal, Cumbria

The course consists of a series of 3 two hour evening workshops one a week for 3 weeks.

Cost: £100 per person.  Max of 4 participants as I like to keep it a small select group.

The course will include
• an assessment of your current running style (including videoing!)
• an introduction to the Pose Method of running including various exercises and lots of practice time in the studio (in front of mirrors!) and/or outside
• elements of the Alexander Technique to help with breathing and relaxation
• ways to get the most from your stretching regime
• re-assessment at the end of the course to see how you are getting on and address anything you still need help with
• email/phone support as required during and after the course

All participants are entitled to a reduced price (£30) individual Alexander Technique lesson during the time of the course and up to one month afterwards, where we can look at any specific aspects of your running on a one-to-one basis.  This will be held at the Kendal Physio Centre on a Saturday.

Contact me on goodposture@me.com to arrange these sessions for your group

After a previous course, one happy client wrote;
“I’d been running for a couple of years and have never had any training. I’d done a few half marathons (for fitness for triathlons and ski touring) and did not find them enjoyable. I found the course just what I needed to turn this around – my aim was to enjoy and feel more comfortable running – after 3 weeks I have a better running style, pain free knees and much improved breathing – overall I am enjoying my running much more. Thanks a million”.

Alexander Technique for ease and poise in horse riding

A full day workshop to introduce you to the benefits that learning the Alexander Technique can bring to your riding and your daily life.

When: To be decided
Where: Various locations
Cost: £75 per person (includes refreshments but please bring your own lunch)

This workshop explores how being more aware of how you do what you do can help you function with more ease and poise. Quite often back pain, shoulder or neck pain can be caused by poor posture, resulting in us carrying out our daily activities using the wrong muscles and using more effort than we need to. This means that the body is working too hard and the muscles then complain and we experience pain. This can become chronic over time if not addressed. Riders often find it difficult to sit properly in the saddle, mainly because of tight back muscles and a lack of freedom in the hip joints. We will look at ways of improving your poise on the horse, by releasing tension in your back and finding a new freedom in your hip joints. You will go home with useful procedures to work with to help yourself be more at ease and poised in your riding and in daily life.

A small group of 6 people ensures plenty of individual attention.

• Improve your posture on and off the horse

• Find a deeper seat and softer hands

• Get rid of “mucking out backache”!

Warm, comfortable clothing is essential, including thick warm socks as I will ask you to remove your shoes at some point during the day.


MBTI with the Alexander Technique Weekend Workshop

For possible dates or to arrange a tailor-made course email: goodposture@me.com

Kendal, Cumbria – Improve your posture using the Alexander Technique – Evening and Lunchtime Classes

Not currently happening, but do get in touch and if there are enough of you, I will find a venue and set up a class!

Using the principles of the Alexander Technique to help you improve your posture and find poise.

To find out more contact me on 07771 602665 or email:goodposture@me.com