Check out these beautiful horses here
Details of what is to come in 2018 will appear here soon!
Contact me on to go on my email list for courses in 2018
In 2017 I ran the following courses which may well be repeated in 2018
Flexibility, Confidence and Coordination for you and your horse
2-day workshop run over a weekend
This course is designed to help you and your horse be more flexible, confident and coordinated.
Day 1 10am to 4pm
Focussing mainly on you, you will learn how to look after yourself while riding and working with your horse on the ground. Everything we do will also help you feel better and more in control at work and at home. Ideal if you suffer from back pain when sitting at work or when riding or working at the stables. The day will also include tips on easing tension that you might feel when riding so that you feel more confident and calm.
Day 2 10am to 4pm
Focussing mainly on the horse but starting off with reminders of what we did on Day 1. You will learn elements of Tellington TTouch Training for horses appropriate for your horse to help him or her be more flexible and coordinated. We will work with the older equine residents of High House who really appreciate the work! This course includes working outside in the arena doing groundwork with the horses.
An Introduction to Alexander Technique and Tellington TTouch Training
2-day workshop run over a weekend
In this course, we look more generally at how you can look after yourself in everyday life. You learn aspects of the Alexander Technique and TTouch for yourself, and some TTouch bodywork for horses that can be applied to other animals as well.
Day 1 - 10am - 4pm
Introducing how the Alexander Technique and TTouch can help you in your daily life. We will explore our own tension patterns and work with the horses to see how they also hold tension. I will show you aspects of the Alexander Technique and TTouch that can help you help yourself overcome these habitual patterns that often cause discomfort and strain in daily life.
Day 2 - 10am - 4pm
Building on Day 1, you will be introduced to more ways of helping yourself to function with greater ease and with less strain in your daily life. Working with the horses and using careful observation of ourselves and the horses, we can see how the work helps them and us feel more calm and at ease.
I encourage you to create a journal of your experience over the weekend that you can continue in the future.
These workshops combine Alexander Technique and TTouch with a sense of fun to create a memorable and invaluable event.
These events are for you if any of these apply ...
- You are not as flexible as you once were!
- You are interested in how the Alexander Technique and TTouch can help you
- You have aches and pains or feel tense while riding or working with horses on the ground
- You would like your horse to be more flexible, coordinated and focussed on his/her work
- You want to build a better relationship with your horse, and be more confident
- You would like to find out how TTouch can help you and your horse in so many ways
- Open to people without their own horse who are comfortable being around horses
Small groups of no more than 6 people to create a focused, friendly atmosphere enabling participants to work in pairs and 3’s to learn from and support each other.
Cost: £120 per person which includes
- All tuition
- Refreshments (bring own lunch)
- Access to the wonderful Seren Arabian horses
- Email support after the event to help you apply what you have learned to your own horses
- And, weather permitting, the most fabulous views of the Cumbrian Lake District!
There will be plenty of time during each day to discuss how you transfer what you are learning to your daily life and work with your own horses.
For each day you need to bring your own lunch and clothing appropriate for working outside in the arena, including gloves for doing in-hand work.
Cancellation policy
Payment to be made in full on booking.
Cancellations made up to 14 days before the event receive a full refund. Cancellations from 13 to 5 days before the event receive 50% refund. Cancellations within 5 days of the event receive no refund.
Other courses available at the High House Centre…
An introduction to Tellington TTouch Training for horses
A one-day course - 10am to 4pm
Cost: £60
This workshop will teach you the basics of Tellington TTouch Training for horses. We will cover the underpinning principles of working with horses in this way, and learn some practical ways to help your horse, including both ground work and bodywork appropriate for your horse.
This workshop is open to people who own their own horse and those who don’t but would like to learn about TTouch Training for horses.
Feeling safe around horses
One day course - 10am to 4pm
Cost £60 per adult, £40 for young people aged 14 - 18 years.
(Unsuitable for younger children)
A day workshop for people who would like to feel more at ease with horses. The horses at High House are very calm and friendly, and this event is an opportunity for you to be with the horses in a safe and sociable environment. You will learn how to connect with the horses through Tellington TTouch. TTouch is a calm and mindful way of working and connecting with horses. You will find out about how horses communicate with us and learn how to understand their signals so that you can be more comfortable around them.
This workshop will be of interest to you if you know people with horses but have never understood the attraction! It will also give you confidence to walk on a footpath through a field with horses when out and about in the countryside, and might even result in you wanting to find out more about these wonderful creatures!
Working with Young Horses - confidence, balance and clear communication
A 2-day course run over a weekend
Cost: £120
This is a 2 day workshop giving plenty of time to explore working with young horses using TTouch Training bodywork and ground work to give them the best start in life. Time to practice with the wonderful young Seren Arabians to try out your new skills.
Day 1
Focussing on how we stay calm and focussed on what we are doing so that we can send clear messages to the young horse.
Day 2
Building on Day 1 and including plenty of time to explore and practice with the Seren Arabian youngsters, we will work on ways to help your young horse be more balanced, coordinated and calm.