In setting up The Posture Clinic, I have brought together my skills in helping people to be at ease with themselves, both physically and emotionally. As is often the case, all my areas of expertise have helped me at various times in my life. I found pain relief and freedom of movement from a series of Alexander Technique lessons when nothing else had worked to ease a persistent sacroiliac and back stiffness and pain. Applying my Alexander Technique to my running and then adding the Pose Method to it helped me run without the hip joint pain that used to build up after a few miles of running. TTouch Training for horses came as a natural addition as I have always loved working with and being with horses. The TTouch ethos exactly matches my way of working with animals and the technique dovetails beautifully with the Alexander Technique. I filled in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire many years ago and the feedback was so helpful for me at the time to make sense of who I am and how that translates into how I work and interact with people, it was a no-brainer to add it on to my list of skills to offer.I have experience of working with individuals and groups in all my areas of expertise. I have a special interest in the way good posture helps people feel more confident about themselves, and enables greater ease and freedom of movement. I am also interested in how this can help people perform to the best of their ability in sports, in the performing arts and in life in general.
I am fascinated by how the human body works, and how the mind and body are intrinsically linked. I am passionate about helping people learn to use their bodies and minds in an integrated way to enable them to feel, look and perform the very best they possibly can.
My underlying sense of fun makes learning with me a memorable and enjoyable experience!
I work mainly in Kendal, Cumbria, and work throughout Cumbria and the North of England, and regularly visit Mawdesley in Lancashire and Benderloch in Argyll . I can be contacted at:
mobile & sms 07771 602665