Reduce back and neck pain
Have you ever experienced lower back pain or neck pain or do you know someone who has?
Lower back pain and neck pain are increasingly common problems which can be the result of poor posture.
Research shows that one-to-one lessons in the Alexander Technique can reduce chronic low back pain and neck pain.
Chronic low back pain… the ATEAM Trial published 2008. Click on the link to the BMJ back pain trial in the side panel to find out more.
Chronic neck pain… the ATLAS trial, published in 2015.
NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) updated their guidelines for Parkinson’s Disease in July 2017. They recommend Alexander Technique lessons for managing motor symptoms for people living with Parkinson’s.
For a full list of the research into the benefits of Alexander Technique lessons click this link, https://alexandertechnique.co.uk/alexander-technique/research
The Posture Clinic can help you to:
- Sit with more ease and less pain
- Move with greater freedom
- Get rid of limiting beliefs about your capabilities for movement and ability to use your back
- Find poise in your daily life
Whether you have bad posture, on-going lower back or neck pain, are slumping in front of your laptop or just not feeling confident about yourself, the Posture Clinic can help!
Book a lesson on 07771 602665 or email goodposture@me.com